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homeland | родина |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Homeland in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “родина” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say homeland in Russian
- Explanations on the translation родина
- Sentences that use the word “родина”
- Questions about homeland in Russian, etc.
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родина info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
1. The word "родина" sounds like "rodina," which you can associate with "road" to your homeland or "roots" to your origin.
2. Imagine a rod (stick) planted in your homeland as a symbol of your roots.
– "Родина" (Romanized: rodina) refers to one's native country or homeland.
– It can evoke feelings of patriotism and nostalgia for one's place of origin.
Other Words that Mean the Same Thing:
– Отечество (otechestvo) – another formal term for "fatherland" or "patrie."
– Родной край (rodnoy kray) – which translates as "native land" or "native region."
Alternate Meanings and Slang:
– In some contexts, "родина" can also imply a place where one feels at home, not necessarily the country of birth.
– There are no widely recognized slang uses that alter its meaning significantly in a casual context.
Examples of Sentences:
1. Я очень скучаю по своей родине.
(Ya ochen' skuchayu po svoyey rodine.)
"I miss my homeland very much."
2. Он вернулся на родину после долгих лет за границей.
(On vernulsya na rodinu posle dolgikh let za granitsey.)
"He returned to his homeland after many years abroad."
3. Любовь к родине начинается с любви к семье.
(Lyubov' k rodine nachinayetsya s lyubvi k sem'e.)
"Love for the homeland starts with love for the family."
4. Родина встречала его тепло, как и прежде.
(Rodina vstrechala yego teplo, kak i prezhde.)
"The homeland welcomed him warmly, as before."
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