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His (s), hers (s), its (s) in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
his (s), hers (s), its (s) son
How to say “his (s), hers (s), its (s)” in French? “Son”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “son” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on his (s), hers (s), its (s) in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “His (s), hers (s), its (s)”

French sentence with “son” English translation for son S

son père est prudent

His father is careful

Jennifer peut acheter un gâteau pour son fils.

Jennifer can buy a cake for her son

son père a dû travailler

His father has had to work

son mari a été un bon père

Her husband has been a good father

Marco avait l’habitude de nourrir son chien.

Marco used to feed his dog

son père est avocat

Her father is a lawyer

son accent est meilleur de jour en jour

His accent is better every day

son ordinateur a plus de capacité

Her computer has more capacity

Marco c’est son père

Marco is his father

Je veux lui envoyer de l’argent pour son anniversaire.

I want to send him money for his birthday.

Je vais l’acheter pour son anniversaire.

I’m going to buy it for her birthday.

Peut-être que ce n’était pas son jour.

This may not have been a good day for him.

Il est possible que le patron ait perdu son intérêt.

The boss may have lost interest.

Ambar vous a-t-elle donné son numéro de téléphone?

Did Ambar give you guys her phone number?

Ils peuvent le préparer le jour de son anniversaire.

They can prepare it on his birthday.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About His (s), hers (s), its (s) in French

Comment on the French word “son” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say his (s), hers (s), its (s) in French
  • Explanations on the translation son
  • Sentences that use the word “son”
  • Questions about his (s), hers (s), its (s) in French, etc.


The (s) or (p) can throw you off. S-singular, p-plural.

7 months ago

“Ses” for One Thing

“Son” means the same thing as “ses” in French, but it is used when talking about one thing.

For example:
To say “her cat,” you would say “son chat,” but, to say “her cats,” you would say “ses chats.”

This might help with remembering the difference:
“Son” almost rhymes with the English word “one,” and “ses” has an “s” at the end like many plural words do.

6 months ago

False Cognate

This looks like an English word but it does not have the same meaning as that word.

9 months ago

son info.

French word for ‘son’: fils

**Tips to remember:**
1. Associate “fils” with “family” – both words start with ‘f,’ and a son is a member of a family.
2. Think of the phrase “my son, my heir,” where “heir” sort of rhymes with “fils” to create an auditory reminder.
3. Visualize the phrase “the father’s fils,” where both “father” and “fils” begin with ‘f.’

In French, “fils” means “son,” and it is pronounced roughly like /fees/ but with a silent “l” and a softer “s.” It’s a masculine noun so it will be “le fils” (the son) in singular and “les fils” in plural, which confusingly also means “the threads” or “the wires” but is pronounced the same way.

**Other words that mean the same thing:**
There aren’t exact synonyms for “fils” in French when discussing a child of someone. However, phrases like “mon enfant” (my child) could be used in a broader sense which includes “son.”

**Alternate meanings like slang:**
“Fils” doesn’t have much in the way of slang uses, but it’s useful to remember the plural form, which can mean “wires” or “threads,” as mentioned.

**Examples of sentences:**
– “Mon fils va à l’école.” (My son goes to school.)
– “Le fils du boulanger est très sympathique.” (The baker’s son is very nice.)
– “C’est le grand fils de Jean.” (That is Jean’s eldest son.)
– “Les fils électriques sont dangereux lorsqu’ils sont exposés.” (Electrical wires are dangerous when exposed.) This sentence uses the alternate meaning of “fils” (wires).

a few seconds ago

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