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hectare | гектар |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Hectare in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “гектар” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say hectare in Russian
- Explanations on the translation гектар
- Sentences that use the word “гектар”
- Questions about hectare in Russian, etc.
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гектар info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
1. Sound Association: The Russian word "гектар" sounds very similar to the English word "hectare," making it easier to remember.
2. Visual Link: Imagine a vast field (which a hectare usually is). Visualizing this field helps link the vastness with the word "гектар."
3. Root Connection: Both the Russian "гектар" and the English "hectare" derive from the Greek word "hekaton" (meaning "hundred"), referring to the large area the term represents.
4. Latin Influence: Think about the metric system; many metric units share similar names across languages, like "метр" (meter) and "гектар" (hectare).
"Гектар" is a unit of area measurement commonly used to measure large plots of land. One hectare is equivalent to 10,000 square meters or 2.471 acres.
Other words that mean the same thing:
In Russian, "гектар" is the standard term, and there aren't direct synonyms specific to this unit of measure. However, in a more general sense, you might use "площадь" (area) when discussing land in broader terms.
Alternate meanings like slang:
The word "гектар" does not have widely recognized slang meanings in Russian.
Examples of sentences that use it:
1. У нас есть десять гектаров земли для выращивания пшеницы.
*U nas yest' desyat' gektarov zemli dlya vyrashchivaniya pshenitsy.*
*(We have ten hectares of land for growing wheat.)*
2. Фермер купил пять гектаров леса.
*Fermer kupil pyat' gektarov lesa.*
*(The farmer bought five hectares of forest.)*
3. Этот парк занимает площадь в сто гектаров.
*Etot park zanimayet ploshchad' v sto gektarov.*
*(This park covers an area of one hundred hectares.)*
4. Они продали два гектара земли у озера.
*Oni prodali dva gektara zemli u ozera.*
*(They sold two hectares of land by the lake.)*
5. Плантацию кофе распространяется на двадцать гектаров.
*Plantatsiyu kofe rasprostranyayetsya na dvadtsat' gektarov.*
*(The coffee plantation spans twenty hectares.)*
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