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He, it in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
he, it il
How to say “he, it” in French? “Il”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “il” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on he, it in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “He, it”

French sentence with “il” English translation for il S

Quelle heure est-il?

What time is it?

il est midi.

It’s 12:00 in the afternoon.

il a deux mains.

He has two hands.

il est très cool.

He is very cool.

il pourra m’appeler plus tard.

He can call me later.

il me semble qu’il est intéressant.

It seems to me that he is interesting.

il a eu un accident.

He had an accident.

il faut que vous y alliez

It’s necessary that you go

il a vécu en Russie

He has lived in Russia

Mot par mot il a dit

Word for word he said…

il mangeait avec sa famille

He used to eat with his family

Mon mari est arrivé il y a deux jours

My husband arrived two days ago

il y a deux jours nous étudions pour notre test

Two days ago we were studying for our test

il y a plus de dix.

More than ten years ago.

il a plus de vingt-huit ans

He is older than twenty eight years old

il fallait que vous utilisiez le masque

It was necessary that you wear the mask

il voulait juste que tu regardes le film

He just wanted you to watch the movie

il est important que vous vous entraîniez

It’s important that you guys practice

il est impossible qu’il gagne

It’s impossible that he wins

il est huit heures du matin

It’s 8 in the morning

Sérieusement? il se douche que la nuit?

Seriously? He only showers at night?

il est nécessaire que vous nettoyiez votre chambre.

It’s necessary that you clean your room.

il est important que vous appreniez les conjugaisons.

It is important that you learn the conjugations.

il est urgent que vous achetiez du riz.

It is urgent that they buy rice.

il est important que vous rencontriez mes parents.

It is important that you meet my parents.

il est très important que david approuve.

It is very important that David approves.

il est impossible, que nous arrivions à l’heure.

It is impossible that we arrive on time.

il est important que vous preniez de bonnes photos.

It is important that you take good photos of them.

il est nécessaire de prendre soin d’elle.

It’s necessary that you take care of her

il est important que vous le changiez pour elle.

It is important to change it for her.

S’il avait su il l’aurait fait.

If he had known, he would have done it.

il est impossible, que Maria soit arrivée avant.

It is impossible that María would have arrived before.

il est probable que nous aurions apprécié.

We probably would have enjoyed.

il est important qu’il puisse participer.

It is important that he can participate.

il est impossible qu’elle se souvienne d’autant d’informations.

It is impossible for her to remember so much information.

il est possible que l’entreprise se développe.

It’s possible that the company grows.

il n’est pas nécessaire que vous achetez de la nourriture.

It is not necessary for you to buy food.

il est bon que vous vous soyiez lavé aujourd’hui.

It’s good that you washed yourself today.

il est étrange que les enfants ne soient pas arrivés.

It is weird that the children have not arrived.

il est nécessaire qu’il ait apporté les documents.

It is necessary that he has brought the documents.

il est injuste que les règles aient changé.

It’s unfair that the rules have changed.

il est curieux qu’ils aient accepté.

It is curious that they have accepted.

il est important que vous visitiez votre frère.

It is important that you have visited your brother.

il est possible que le patron ait perdu son intérêt.

The boss may have lost interest.

il est possible que nous n’ayons pas été préparés.

We may not have been prepared.

il est bon que vous ayez pris des vacances.

It’s good that you took a vacation.

il m’a dit de prendre soin des enfants.

He told me to watch over the kids.

il voulait que j’apprenne à chanter.

He wanted me to learn to sing.

il est possible que vous devriez les payer.

You may have to pay them.

il est probable que je les ai, pour les aider.

I will probably have to help them.

Dans la terre, il y a plus de plantes que d’insectes.

In the earth there are more plants than insects.

il nous l’a promis.

He promised us.

il va arriver jeudi.

He is going to arrive thursday.

il n’était pas nécessaire que vous achetiez plus de nourriture.

You didn’t need to buy more food.

il faut que les gens ne s’en aillent pas

It’s necessary that people don’t leave

il n’est pas nécessaire de le lui dire, cela peut rester entre nous.

It isn’t necessary to tell her, it can stay between us.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About He, it in French

Comment on the French word “il” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say he, it in French
  • Explanations on the translation il
  • Sentences that use the word “il”
  • Questions about he, it in French, etc.


This is the masculine singular pronoun. Can also be used for gender neutral it. If in doubt it’s pretty safe to guess masculine.

9 months ago

il info.

Tips to remember the French word ‘il’:
– Associate ‘il’ with the English pronoun ‘he’ for a masculine subject or ‘it’ when referring to a masculine noun.
– Think of ‘il pleut’ (it is raining), a simple expression to remember that ‘il’ can stand for ‘it.’
– Link ‘il’ to the image of a man or a boy to remember it as ‘he.’

– ‘Il’ is a subject pronoun in French that’s used for the masculine singular; it refers to a male person or a masculine noun.
– It can also be used as an impersonal pronoun, like ‘it’ in English, in cases where the subject is not a person.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– ‘Il’ does not have a direct synonym since it is a basic subject pronoun, but ‘lui’ is another word in French that can mean ‘him’ in object form.

Alternate meanings like slang:
– ‘Il’ doesn’t typically have slang meanings as it is a fundamental part of the French language structure, serving a grammatical purpose.

Examples of sentences that use ‘il’:
1. Il est grand. – He is tall.
2. Il a un chat. – He has a cat.
3. Il fait froid. – It is cold.
4. Il pleut aujourd’hui. – It’s raining today.
5. Il est tard, je dois y aller. – It is late, I must go.

a few seconds ago

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