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guitar | гитара |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Guitar in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “гитара” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say guitar in Russian
- Explanations on the translation гитара
- Sentences that use the word “гитара”
- Questions about guitar in Russian, etc.
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гитара info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– Think of the English word "guitar" with a twist; the first syllable "gui-" is transformed into "ги-" (gi-) while the rest "-tar" becomes "-тара" (tara), making it "гитара" (gitara).
– Associate the Russian spelling "гитара" with the English pronunciation. Notice that the "г" (g) sounds like "g," and it retains similar phonetics.
– "Гитара" (gitara) is the direct translation of "guitar." It refers to the musical instrument with six strings.
– The pronunciation is fairly straightforward: "г" is "g," "и" is "i," "т" is "t," "а" is "a," and "р" is rolled, similar to a hard "r."
Other words that mean the same thing:
– Стру́нный инструме́нт (strúnny instrumént) – String instrument (though this is more general)
– Электрогита́ра (elektrogitára) – Electric guitar
Alternate meanings and slang:
– There aren't many slang or alternate meanings for "гитара." It is quite straightforward and specifically refers to the musical instrument.
Examples of sentences:
1. Он играет на гитаре каждый вечер. (On igraet na gitare kazhdy vecher.) – He plays the guitar every evening.
2. Её гитара очень старая, но звучит отлично. (Yeyo gitara ochen' staraya, no zvuchit otlichno.) – Her guitar is very old, but it sounds great.
3. Я купил новую электрогитару. (Ya kupil novuyu elektrogitaru.) – I bought a new electric guitar.
4. Эта мелодия звучит лучше всего на гитаре. (Eta melodiya zvuchit luchshe vsego na gitare.) – This melody sounds best on the guitar.
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