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From, since in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
from, since depuis
How to say “from, since” in French? “Depuis”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “depuis” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on from, since in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “From, since”

French sentence with “depuis” English translation for depuis S

Je suis arrivé ici depuis deux jours.

I arrived here two days ago.

depuis combien de temps êtes-vous arrivé?

Since when did you arrive?

Comments, Questions, Etc. About From, since in French

Comment on the French word “depuis” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say from, since in French
  • Explanations on the translation depuis
  • Sentences that use the word “depuis”
  • Questions about from, since in French, etc.


The phrase that follows this will usually be in the past tense

9 months ago

depuis info.

Tips to Remember “depuis”:
– Associate “depuis” with the English phrases it often represents: “from” and “since.” Consider the “de-” prefix as a marker for “from”/”since” and “-puis” as a unique sound to trigger your memory.
– Create a mental image of a timeline with a specific point labeled “since” and an arrow extending “from” that point to the present to visualize the concept of duration in time.

– “Depuis” is used to indicate the starting point of an action or a state that continues into the present. It can refer to time as well as distance.

Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– “À partir de” means “starting from” and can sometimes be used where you might use “depuis” in relation to time.
– “Dès” means “as soon as” and is also used to mark the start of something, but with an immediacy that “depuis” does not imply.

Alternate Meanings/Slang:
– There isn’t a commonly known slang meaning for “depuis,” as it’s a basic temporal preposition that maintains its meaning across different levels of formality.

Examples of Sentences Using “depuis”:
– “Je vis à Paris depuis cinq ans.” (I have been living in Paris for five years.)
– “Il travaille avec nous depuis le mois de janvier.” (He has been working with us since January.)
– “Elle étudie le français depuis son arrivée en France.” (She has been studying French since she arrived in France.)
– “Nous ne nous sommes pas vu depuis l’été dernier.” (We haven’t seen each other since last summer.)

In all these examples, “depuis” is used to link the past to the present, indicating a continuity or an ongoing situation that started in the past and is still relevant or ongoing.

a few seconds ago

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