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Fraction in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
fraction fracción
How to say “fraction” in Spanish? “Fracción”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “fracción” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on fraction in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Fraction in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “fracción” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say fraction in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation fracción
  • Sentences that use the word “fracción”
  • Questions about fraction in Spanish, etc.


Normal speech: frahk-SEE-ohn
IPA: fɾakˈθjon

8 months ago

Other meanings

The term can also refer to a political party faction

9 months ago


“En fracciones” means “in fractions” and is used to indicate something is being divided into parts

9 months ago


Used as a noun to refer to a fraction, a portion or a division of something

9 months ago


Derived from the Latin “fractio”, meaning “breaking” or “division”

9 months ago

fracción info.

Tips to remember the word “fracción”:
– Associate “fracción” with the English word “fraction,” as they are cognates (they have a similar spelling, meaning, and origin).
– Think of the common mathematical symbol for fractions (e.g., ½ or ¾) to visualize the concept.
– Break down the word into “frac-” (think “fracture” which means something that’s broken) and “-ción” (a common ending in Spanish nouns).

– The term “fracción” refers to a numerical quantity that is not a whole number. It represents a part of a whole or, more specifically, the division of a number into equal parts.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “Porción” (portion) can sometimes be used interchangeably when referring to parts of a whole in a broader sense.
– “Parte” (part) is a more general term that can also mean a piece of something.

Alternate meanings like slang:
– In some contexts, “fracción” might be informally used to mean a small amount of something, similar to saying “a fraction of” in English to emphasize that it’s a small part or piece.

Examples of sentences that use it:
– “Una fracción de pizza no será suficiente para cenar.” (A fraction of a pizza will not be enough for dinner.)
– “Dividimos el terreno en fracciones iguales entre los hermanos.” (We divided the land into equal fractions among the siblings.)
– “En matemáticas, a menudo trabajamos con fracciones para representar cantidades no enteras.” (In math, we often work with fractions to represent non-whole quantities.)
– “Solo recibí una pequeña fracción del total del premio debido a los impuestos.” (I only received a small fraction of the total prize due to taxes.)
– “La fracción más complicada de este problema es la que incluye variables.” (The most complicated fraction of this problem is the one that includes variables.)

a few seconds ago

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