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camp | лагерь |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Camp in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “лагерь” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say camp in Russian
- Explanations on the translation лагерь
- Sentences that use the word “лагерь”
- Questions about camp in Russian, etc.
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лагерь info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
1. Similar Sound: Think of "лагерь" sounding somewhat like "lager" in English, like in the word "logger." Both words evoke outdoor settings.
2. Memory Association: Imagine a "lager" (beer) and associate it with camping trips.
– "Лагерь" refers to a camp or a group setting, often used for places where people stay temporarily, like summer camps, military camps, etc.
Other Words that Mean the Same Thing:
– Кэмп (kemp): Borrowed directly from the English word "camp."
– Палаточный лагерь (palatochnyy lagerʹ): Tent camp.
– Военный лагерь (voyennyy lagerʹ): Military camp.
– Туристический лагерь (turisticheskiy lagerʹ): Tourist camp.
Alternate Meanings:
– In a broader sense, "лагерь" can also mean a faction or group with common interests, like a political camp.
– Slang usage is not commonly associated with the word "лагерь."
Examples of Sentences:
1. Летом дети часто ездят в летний лагерь.
Létom déti chásto yézdjat v létny lagerʹ.
(In the summer, children often go to summer camp.)
2. Мы разбили лагерь у реки.
My razbíli lágerʹ u reikí.
(We set up camp by the river.)
3. Политический лагерь разделился на две группы.
Politícheskiy lágerʹ razdelílsya na dve grúppy.
(The political camp split into two groups.)
4. В туристическом лагере много интересных мероприятий.
V turistícheskom lágere mnógo intérnesnykh meroprijatij.
(There are many interesting activities in the tourist camp.)
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