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Comments, Questions, Etc. About Brave in French
Comment on the French word “brave” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say brave in French
- Explanations on the translation brave
- Sentences that use the word “brave”
- Questions about brave in French, etc.
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brave info.
French Translation: courageux / courageuse
Tips to remember the French word:
1. Focus on the similarity between “brave” and “brave” – the pronunciation is quite close.
2. Create associations with brave French characters or figures such as Joan of Arc (Jeanne d’Arc) known for her courage.
The French word for “brave” is “courageux” for masculine and “courageuse” for feminine. These words derive from the noun “courage,” meaning “courage,” and add the suffix “eux” or “euse” to express the quality of being brave or courageous.
Other words with similar meanings:
1. Vaillant(e) – valiant
2. Intrépide – fearless
3. Audacieux / Audacieuse – audacious, daring
Alternate meanings or slang:
In colloquial French, you may also come across the following expressions:
1. Casse-cou – daredevil, risk-taker
2. Téméraire – reckless, foolhardy
Examples of sentences:
1. Il est très courageux d’avoir sauté en parachute. (It’s very brave to have gone skydiving.)
2. Elle a montré une attitude courageuse face à l’adversité. (She showed a brave attitude in the face of adversity.)
3. Les pompiers ont accompli un acte héroïque pour sauver la famille courageuse. (The firefighters performed a heroic act to save the brave family.)
To remember the French word for “brave,” associate it with the English word “brave” itself or think of iconic French figures known for their courage. The French translation for brave is “courageux” for masculine and “courageuse” for feminine. Other words with similar meanings include “vaillant(e),” “intrépide,” and “audacieux/audacieuse.” In colloquial French, you may encounter words like “casse-cou” or “téméraire” to express alternative meanings of brave.
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