in English | in Russian | S |
bill | счет |
Russian Sentences with the Word “Bill”
Russian sentence with “счет” | English translation for счет | S |
Можно мне счет? |
Can I get the check? |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About Bill in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “счет” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say bill in Russian
- Explanations on the translation счет
- Sentences that use the word “счет”
- Questions about bill in Russian, etc.
счёт info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
1. "Счёт" can be remembered by associating it with "check" in English, which sounds somewhat similar and is related to bills or accounts.
2. Think of "счёт" as a "set" of numbers you need to pay attention to, whether it's for calculations, a bill, or an account.
– Счёт (schet) primarily means a bill or invoice, something you pay after dining at a restaurant or after receiving a service.
– In a bank context, "счёт" refers to an account where you keep your money.
– It is also used for counting, indicating score or tally in sports or games.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– Invoice: "выставленный счёт" (vystavlennyy schet).
– Bill: "квитанция" (kvitsantsiya) can also be used for a receipt or a bill.
– Account: "аккаунт" (akkaunt) is sometimes used especially in modern contexts like online accounts.
Alternate meanings like slang:
– "На счёт раз, два, три" (Na schet raz, dva, tri) – This phrase means "on the count of one, two, three," often used when coordinating actions.
– "Счёт в банке" (Schet v banke) – Means a bank account.
– "Свести счёты" (Svesti schety) – An idiom meaning to settle the scores or to take revenge.
Examples of sentences that use it:
1. Мы попросили счёт в ресторане. (My poprosili schet v restorane.) – We asked for the bill at the restaurant.
2. Я открыл новый банковский счёт. (Ya otkryl novyy bankovskiy schet.) – I opened a new bank account.
3. Счёт в игре был три-один. (Schet v igre byl tri-odin.) – The score in the game was three to one.
4. Ты получил новый счёт за электричество? (Ty poluchil novyy schet za elektrichestvo?) – Did you receive the new electricity bill?
5. Он свёл счёты с врагом. (On svyol schety s vragom.) – He settled the scores with his enemy.
17 hours ago
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счет info.
Tips to Remember the Russian Word:
– Think of the English word "check" which sounds like "счет" (schyot).
– The first part "сч" can be linked to "sc" in "schedule," and "ет" sounds like "et".
– "Счет" (schyot) is used in various contexts related to counting, calculating, and billing.
Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– Квитанция (kvitantsiya) – Receipt
– Выписка (vypiska) – Statement
– Фактура (faktura) – Invoice
Alternate Meanings and Slang:
– In sports, "счет" refers to the score of a game.
– In some contexts, "счет" can mean the count or number of something.
Examples of Sentences that Use It:
1. Я получил новый счет за электричество.
– Ya poluchil novyy schyot za elektrichestvo.
– I received a new bill for electricity.
2. Счет в матче был 3:2 в пользу нашей команды.
– Schyot v matche byl 3:2 v pol'zu nashey komandy.
– The score in the match was 3:2 in favor of our team.
3. Пожалуйста, принесите мне счет.
– Pozhaluysta, prinesite mne schyot.
– Please bring me the bill.
4. Он открыл счет в банке.
– On otkryl schyot v banke.
– He opened an account in the bank.
5. На вашем счете недостаточно средств.
– Na vashem schete nedostatochno sredstv.
– There are insufficient funds in your account.
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