in English | in Russian | S |
after, afterwards, then, next | потом |
Russian Sentences with the Word “After, afterwards, then, next”
Russian sentence with “потом” | English translation for потом | S |
Сегодня утром я заболел, потому что съел странный корень. |
This morning I was sick because I ate a strange root. |
Comments, Questions, Etc. About After, afterwards, then, next in Russian
Comment on the Russian word “потом” in the following ways:
- Tips and tricks to remember how to say after, afterwards, then, next in Russian
- Explanations on the translation потом
- Sentences that use the word “потом”
- Questions about after, afterwards, then, next in Russian, etc.
потом info.
Tips to remember the Russian word:
– Think of "potom" as something that comes "post" an event, like "post-homework" (after homework).
– "Потом" (potom) is used to indicate a subsequent event or action, similar to "after" or "then" in English.
Other words that mean the same thing:
– После (posle) – after
– Затем (zatem) – then, next
– Сначала (snachala) – at first, initially (while it means initially, it sets up a sequence)
Alternate meanings like slang:
– In everyday speech, "потом" (potom) can be used to suggest a delay or procrastination, similar to saying "later" in English when you don’t want to do something immediately.
Examples of sentences that use it:
1. Мы сначала поужинаем, а потом посмотрим фильм.
– My snachala pouzhinaem, a potom posmotrim fil'm.
– We'll have dinner first, and then we'll watch a movie.
2. Я сделаю это потом.
– Ya sdelayu eto potom.
– I'll do it later.
3. Сначала была гроза, а потом пошёл дождь.
– Snachala byla groza, a potom poshyol dozhd'.
– First there was a thunderstorm, and then it started to rain.
4. После школы мы пошли в парк, а потом в кино.
– Posle shkoly my poshli v park, a potom v kino.
– After school, we went to the park and then to the movies.
20 minutes ago
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потом info.
– Tips to remember the Russian word:
– Think of "potom" sounding a bit like "put on" (as in putting on the next item or action in a sequence).
– Explanations:
– "Потом" (potom) is used to indicate that something happens after something else, similar to "afterwards" or "then" in English.
– Other words that mean the same thing:
– "Затем" (zatem)
– "После" (posle) (usually means "after" but can sometimes convey a similar meaning)
– Alternate meanings like slang:
– When used in a colloquial sense, "потом" might imply doing something later or procrastination, like "I'll do it later."
– Examples of sentences:
– Я сначала поем, а потом сделаю уроки. (Ya snachala poem, a potom sdelayu uroki.) – I'll eat first, and then I'll do my homework.
– Мы пошли в кино, а потом в кафе. (My poshli v kino, a potom v kafe.) – We went to the movies, and afterwards to a café.
– Разберусь с этим потом. (Razerus' s etim potom.) – I'll deal with this later.
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