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To find in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
to find/discover trouver
How to say “to find/discover” in French? “Trouver”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “trouver” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to find/discover in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “To find/discover”

French sentence with “trouver” English translation for trouver S

Vous avez besoin de trouver des gens positifs

You need to find positive people. (formal)

Nous pouvons les aider à trouver du travail.

We can help them find a job.

Ne pensez-vous pas que nous pouvons le trouver?

Don’t you think that we can find it?

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To find/discover in French

Comment on the French word “trouver” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to find/discover in French
  • Explanations on the translation trouver
  • Sentences that use the word “trouver”
  • Questions about to find/discover in French, etc.


Trouver (to find) – Perdre (to lose)

7 months ago

trouver info.

Tips to remember the French word ‘trouver’:
– One way to remember the word ‘trouver’ is by associating it with the English word “discover”, as they have a similar meaning.
– Another mnemonic device is to think of the word ‘trouver’ as a mix of “true” and “over,” which can help you recall its meaning.

– ‘Trouver’ is a verb in French, meaning “to find” or “to discover”. It is commonly used to express the action of locating or coming across something.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– Synonyms of ‘trouver’ include “découvrir” (discover), “repérer” (spot), “dénicher” (unearth), “mettre la main sur” (lay hands on), and “tomber sur” (stumble upon).

– Infinitive: trouver (to find)
– Present tense: je trouve (I find), tu trouves (you find), il/elle/on trouve (he/she/one finds), nous trouvons (we find), vous trouvez (you find), ils/elles trouvent (they find)
– Past tense: j’ai trouvé (I found), tu as trouvé (you found), il/elle/on a trouvé (he/she/one found), nous avons trouvé (we found), vous avez trouvé (you found), ils/elles ont trouvé (they found)
– Future tense: je trouverai (I will find), tu trouveras (you will find), il/elle/on trouvera (he/she/one will find), nous trouverons (we will find), vous trouverez (you will find), ils/elles trouveront (they will find)

1. J’ai trouvé mes clés sous la table. (I found my keys under the table.)
2. Tu trouves souvent de bonnes affaires dans ce magasin. (You often find good deals in this store.)
3. Nous trouverons une solution à ce problème. (We will find a solution to this problem.)
4. Les enfants ont trouvé un trésor dans le jardin. (The children discovered a treasure in the garden.)
5. Demain, il trouvera une nouvelle destination pour ses vacances. (Tomorrow, he will find a new destination for his vacation.)

Note: In French, ‘trouver’ is also used to mean “to think” or “to consider.” However, in this context, we are focusing on its meaning as “to find” or “to discover.”

a few seconds ago

trouver info.

Tips to remember “trouver”:
To remember “trouver,” you can think of the English word “trove,” as in a treasure trove, which is something you find. The “trouv-” in “trouver” can help you recall the sense of discovering or finding something, just like a valuable collection in a treasure trove.

The verb “trouver” is a regular French -er verb, which means it follows the predictable conjugation pattern shared by the majority of French verbs ending in -er. This verb translates to “to find” in English and is used similarly to express the act of finding or discovering something or someone.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– Découvrir: to discover
– Repérer: to locate or spot
– Identifier: to identify

Conjugations of “trouver”:

– Present:
je trouve (I find)
tu trouves (you find)
il/elle/on trouve (he/she/one finds)
nous trouvons (we find)
vous trouvez (you find – formal/plural)
ils/elles trouvent (they find)

– Imperfect:
je trouvais (I was finding)
tu trouvais (you were finding)
il/elle/on trouvait (he/she/one was finding)

– Future:
je trouverai (I will find)
tu trouveras (you will find)
il/elle/on trouvera (he/she/one will find)

– Past Simple (less commonly used in everyday speech):
je trouvai (I found)
tu trouvas (you found)
il/elle/on trouva (he/she/one found)

– Past Participle:
trouvé (found)

– Perfect (Passé Composé, combines avoir and the past participle):
j’ai trouvé (I have found)
tu as trouvé (you have found)
il/elle/on a trouvé (he/she/one has found)

Examples of sentences using “trouver”:
– Je trouve ce livre passionnant. (I find this book fascinating.)
– Nous avons trouvé les clés sous le tapis. (We found the keys under the rug.)
– Tu trouveras une meilleure solution avec le temps. (You will find a better solution with time.)
– Ils trouvaient toujours les meilleures cachettes quand nous jouions à cache-cache. (They always found the best hiding spots when we played hide and seek.)
– Demain, il trouvera peut-être l’amour de sa vie. (Tomorrow, he might find the love of his life.)

2 days ago

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