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Long in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
long long
How to say “long” in French? “Long”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “long” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on long in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “Long”

French sentence with “long” English translation for long S

Elle court le long de la plage

She runs along the beach

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Long in French

Comment on the French word “long” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say long in French
  • Explanations on the translation long
  • Sentences that use the word “long”
  • Questions about long in French, etc.

Perfect cognate

The exact same. Long = lkng.

7 months ago

long info.

Tips to Remember the French Word for ‘Long’:
– The French word for ‘long’ is ‘long’ (masculine) or ‘longue’ (feminine), which is conveniently similar to the English word. To remember it, you might think of the visual similarity between ‘long’ and ‘long(ue)’ — they start with the same four letters, making it easier to recall.
– You can also use a mnemonic by associating the word with something you are familiar with that’s long, such as the ‘Eiffel Tower,’ and reinforcing the memory by picturing the long structure with a French flag.

– ‘Long/longue’ is an adjective in French that describes the extent of something from end to end. Much like in English, it’s used to describe physical length as well as metaphorical extensions such as time duration.

Other Words That Mean the Same Thing:
– ‘Allongé’ (elongated/extended)
– ‘Étendu’ (spread out/extended)
– ‘Profilé’ (streamlined, though it specifically refers to the elongated shape designed to reduce resistance)
– ‘Interminable’ (endless or seemingly endless, used for emphasizing great length or duration)

Alternate Meanings Like Slang:
– In French, ‘long’ doesn’t have significant slang meanings, but the word’s various uses can convey different nuances in context. For example, ‘long’ can mean something is boring or tedious in an expression like ‘c’est long’ (this is taking a long time/this is boring).

Examples of Sentences That Use It:
– “Cette écharpe est trop longue pour moi.” (This scarf is too long for me.)
– “Le cours était si long que j’ai failli m’endormir.” (The class was so long I nearly fell asleep.)
– “Nous avons pris la route la plus longue pour profiter du paysage.” (We took the longest route to enjoy the scenery.)
– “La réunion s’est prolongée plus longtemps que prévu.” (The meeting went on longer than expected.)

By linking the French word ‘long/longue’ with its English counterpart, and recalling the visual and mnemonic hints, you can effectively commit it to memory. Understanding its various uses and practicing it in sentences will also strengthen your grasp of the word.

a few seconds ago

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