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More in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
more plus
How to say “more” in French? “Plus”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “plus” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on more in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “More”

French sentence with “plus” English translation for plus S

Parles plus lentement s’il te plaît.

Speak more slowly, please.

Il pourra m’appeler plus tard.

He can call me later.

Je ne l’aime pas non plus.

I don’t like it either.

Vous pouvez voir plus.

You can see more. (formal)

Vous devriez être plus patient

You need to be more patient. (formal)

plus intéressant que ça.

more interesting than that

plus que six personnes

more than 6 people

Martín est plus grand qu’Eduard

Martin is taller than Eduard

Pour l’acheter, vous avez besoin de plus de six dollars

To buy it you need more than six dollars

L’Italien est plus facile que le Français

Italian is easier than french

Il y a plus de dix.

more than ten years ago.

Daniel a visité plus de pays que Thomas

Daniel has traveled to more countries than Tomas

Il a plus de vingt-huit ans

He is older than twenty eight years old

Elle a besoin de transporter plus de cinq livres

She needs to carry more than five books

L’Espagnol est parlé dans plus de 30 pays

Spanish is spoken in more than thirty countries

La température est plus de 40 degrés

The temperature is more than 40°C

L’Argentine est plus grande que Paraguay

Argentina is bigger than Paraguay

Le thé est plus sain que le café

Tea is healthier than coffee

Vous pouvez faire plus de cent exercices d’abdos

You can do more than one hundred situps

Votre famille a besoin de vous plus que vous ne le pensez

Your family needs you more than what you think

Dormir est plus important que manger

Sleeping is more important than eating?

Les poires sont plus sucrées que les pommes

Pears are sweeter than apples

Facebook a plus deux millions d’utilisateurs

Facebook has more than two million users

Elle veut avoir plus que huit enfants

She wants to have more than eight kids

Elle préfère avoir plus de chiens que de chats

She prefers to have more dogs than cats

Y auraient-ils fait plus attention?

Would they have paid more attention?

Ne pensez-vous pas qu’ils en auraient eu plus?

Don’t you think they would have had more?

Son ordinateur a plus de capacité

Her computer has more capacity

Votre université a besoin de plus d’étudiants

Your college needs more students

Nous devons apprendre à nous aimer plus

We have to learn to love ourselves more.

J’ai besoin que vous vous entraîniez plus.

I need you to practice more.

J’aime le mien plus.

I like mine more.

Ce serait mieux si nous le visitions plus.

It would be better if we visit him more.

Je souhaite que vous ayez plus de temps.

I wish you had more time.

L’enseignant a dit d’étudier plus.

The teacher said to study(we) more.

Souhaitez-vous passer plus de temps ensemble?

Would you like us to spend more time together?

Si nous avions pratiqué plus, nous aurions gagné.

If we had practiced more, we would have won.

Je vous recommande que vous dormiez plus tôt.

I recommend that you go to sleep earlier.

Espérons que le gouvernement aide plus.

I hope the government helps more.

Peut-être que cela fonctionnerait si vous le disiez plus fort.

Maybe it would work if you spoke louder.

Si vous appreniez l’Espagnol, vous obtiendriez plus d’emplois.

If you learned Spanish, you would get more jobs.

Dans la terre, il y a plus de plantes que d’insectes.

In the earth there are more plants than insects.

Si j’avais plus de temps, je vous rendrais visite souvent.

If I had more time I would visit you frequently.

Ne pensez-vous pas qu’il le ferait mieux s’il y mettait plus d’efforts?

Don’t you think he would do it better if he tried harder?

Il n’était pas nécessaire que vous achetiez plus de nourriture.

You didn’t need to buy more food.

Je sais que tu aurais voulu passer plus de temps avec moi.

I know you would have wanted to spend more time with me.

Si j’avais su je l’aurais fait plus tôt.

If I had known I would have done it sooner.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About More in French

Comment on the French word “plus” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say more in French
  • Explanations on the translation plus
  • Sentences that use the word “plus”
  • Questions about more in French, etc.


Like in math, plus adds more.

7 months ago

Simple Pronunciation:

plus (plu)

6 months ago

Useful opposites

More Less
Plus Moins

9 months ago

plus info.

Tips to remember the French word “plus”:
1. Associate “plus” with the mathematical “+” symbol, which means ‘more’.
2. Remember that “plus” sounds like “plus” in English (although often the ‘s’ is silent in French).
3. Use memory aids, such as “In a store, if you want ‘more’, you tell the cashier, ‘I want plus’.”

“Plus” in French can mean both “more” and “additional”, similar to these meanings in English. It can also be used comparably to how “plus” is used in mathematical operations.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– “Davantage” which also means “more” or “further” in English.
– “Supplémentaire” meaning “additional” or “extra”.

Alternate meanings like slang:
– In some contexts, “plus” can mean “no longer” when used in the negative form like “ne… plus”.

Examples of sentences that use it:
1. “J’ai besoin de plus de temps pour finir ce travail.” (I need more time to finish this work.)
2. “Tu veux plus de gâteau ?” (Do you want more cake?)
3. “Je ne travaille plus ici.” (I no longer work here.)
4. “Il y a plus de monde ici que je ne le pensais.” (There are more people here than I thought.)
5. “C’est plus cher que l’autre.” (It’s more expensive than the other one.)
6. “Elle parle plus vite que lui.” (She speaks faster than him.)
7. “Je ne veux plus en parler.” (I don’t want to talk about it anymore.)

a few seconds ago

Practice French with this Online Game:

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