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Oil (cars) in Spanish 🇪🇸

in English in Spanish S
oil (cars) petróleo
How to say “oil (cars)” in Spanish? “Petróleo”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “petróleo” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on oil (cars) in Spanish like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About Oil (cars) in Spanish

Comment on the Spanish word “petróleo” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say oil (cars) in Spanish
  • Explanations on the translation petróleo
  • Sentences that use the word “petróleo”
  • Questions about oil (cars) in Spanish, etc.

Petróleo – petroleum- oil

PETRÓLEO sounds a lot like PETROLEUM, which comes from OIL used in cars.

2 years ago

DQ, Dairy Queen

For some reason I like to say Petroleo

10 months ago


Normal speech: peh-TROH-leh-oh
IPA: peˈtɾoleo

a year ago

Other Meanings

In some contexts, “petróleo” can also refer to a dark, black color.

a year ago


“Petróleo” is commonly used to refer to crude oil or petroleum as a natural resource. It can also be used to describe oil products and derivatives.

a year ago


The word “petróleo” comes from the Latin word “petra”, meaning rock, and “oleum”, meaning oil.

a year ago


If you are doing Matching with words you don’t know, start by matching the easiest ones. That will limit you down to the ones that you don’t know. That means that you now know that the matches to these hard questions can only be the few that haven’t already been matched. And, take a look at some of the hard questions. Some English translations sound alot like the Spanish one.

a few seconds ago

petróleo info.

To remember the word “petróleo”:

– You can think of the word “petroleum” in English, which has a similar root and also refers to crude oil. The “petr-” prefix suggests the word’s link to rocks or the earth given its origins from the Latin “petra” (rock) and “oleum” (oil).
– Associate the word with “gasoline station” (estación de gasolina) or gas pumps, as gas is refined from petróleo.
– Imagine an oil derrick drilling into the ground, symbolizing the extraction of petróleo.


– “Petróleo” in Spanish refers to crude oil, a natural fossil fuel found beneath the earth’s surface that is used as a source of energy and raw material for various products.
– It’s a non-renewable resource composed of hydrocarbons and other organic materials.

Other words that mean the same thing:

– “Crudo” is sometimes used interchangeably with “petróleo” to mean crude oil.
– “Oro negro” translates to “black gold,” a term often used to refer to oil due to its economic value.

Alternate meanings/slang:

– “Petróleo” may be used metaphorically or jokingly to refer to anything extremely valuable, like “liquid gold.”
– In some contexts, it can be a slang term for strong coffee due to its dark, rich color.

Examples of sentences:

– “Los precios del petróleo han estado subiendo recientemente.” (The prices of oil have been rising recently.)
– “Venezuela es uno de los países con las mayores reservas de petróleo del mundo.” (Venezuela is one of the countries with the largest oil reserves in the world.)
– “La extracción de petróleo puede tener impactos negativos en el medio ambiente.” (The extraction of oil can have negative impacts on the environment.)
– “El petróleo es el principal producto de exportación de algunos países del Medio Oriente.” (Oil is the main export product of some Middle Eastern countries.)
– “Tuvimos que parar a rellenar el tanque porque el coche se había quedado sin petróleo.” (We had to stop to fill up the tank because the car had run out of gas.) *Here, “petróleo” could be a colloquial way to refer to gasoline, which is uncommon but conceivable in casual conversation.

5 months ago

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