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To cross in French 🇫🇷

in English in French S
to cross traverser
How to say “to cross” in French? “Traverser”. Here you will learn how to pronounce “traverser” correctly and in the comments below you will be able to get all sorts of advice on to cross in French like tips & tricks to remember it, questions, explanations and more.

French Sentences with the Word “To cross”

French sentence with “traverser” English translation for traverser S

Je vous aiderais à traverser la clôture jaune si je le pouvais.

I would help you cross the yellow fence if I could.

Comments, Questions, Etc. About To cross in French

Comment on the French word “traverser” in the following ways:

  • Tips and tricks to remember how to say to cross in French
  • Explanations on the translation traverser
  • Sentences that use the word “traverser”
  • Questions about to cross in French, etc.


To traverse something means to cross it or travel through.

9 months ago

traverser info.

Tips to remember the French word “traverser”:
– Associate the word “traverser” with the English word “to cross” to help recall its meaning.
– Visualize crossing a street or a bridge to make a mental connection with the word.
– Practice using the word in context by forming sentences or dialogues related to crossing various things.

The French word “traverser” is a verb that means “to cross” in English. It expresses the action of going from one side to another, typically by moving through or over something.

Other words with similar meanings:
– Passer (to pass)
– Franchir (to cross)
– Trépasser (to cross over)
– Dépasser (to overtake)

– Present tense:
– Je traverse (I cross)
– Tu traverses (you cross)
– Il/Elle traverse (he/she crosses)
– Nous traversons (we cross)
– Vous traversez (you cross)
– Ils/Elles traversent (they cross)

– Future tense:
– Je traverserai (I will cross)
– Tu traverseras (you will cross)
– Il/Elle traversera (he/she will cross)
– Nous traverserons (we will cross)
– Vous traverserez (you will cross)
– Ils/Elles traverseront (they will cross)

– Imperfect tense:
– Je traversais (I used to cross / I was crossing)
– Tu traversais (you used to cross / you were crossing)
– Il/Elle traversait (he/she used to cross / was crossing)
– Nous traversions (we used to cross / we were crossing)
– Vous traversiez (you used to cross / you were crossing)
– Ils/Elles traversaient (they used to cross / were crossing)

1. Je traverse la rue rapidement. (I cross the street quickly.)
2. Nous allons traverser la rivière à pied. (We are going to cross the river on foot.)
3. Il a traversé l’océan en bateau. (He crossed the ocean by boat.)
4. Est-ce que vous traversez souvent cette passerelle ? (Do you often cross this footbridge?)
5. Les enfants traversent prudemment le passage piéton. (The children cross the pedestrian crossing carefully.)

Note: Remember to adapt the verb conjugations based on the subject and tense of the sentence.

a few seconds ago

traverser info.

Tips to remember the French word ‘traverser’:
– The verb ‘traverser’ is pronounced as “tra-verse-ay.”
– To remember the meaning of ‘traverser,’ think of the English word “travel” as they share a similar root and both involve moving from one place to another.

The French verb ‘traverser’ means ‘to cross’ in English. It refers to the action of moving from one side to the other, typically involving a physical barrier such as a road, river, or bridge.

Other words that mean the same thing:
– Franchir: Also means ‘to cross.’
– Passer: Can be used as a synonym for ‘traverser,’ especially when referring to passing by or going through a specific location.

Conjugations of ‘traverser’:
– Present tense:
– Je traverse: I cross
– Tu traverses: You cross
– Il/elle traverse: He/she crosses
– Nous traversons: We cross
– Vous traversez: You cross
– Ils/elles traversent: They cross

– Past tense (Passé Composé):
– J’ai traversé: I crossed
– Tu as traversé: You crossed
– Il/elle a traversé: He/she crossed
– Nous avons traversé: We crossed
– Vous avez traversé: You crossed
– Ils/elles ont traversé: They crossed

– Future tense:
– Je traverserai: I will cross
– Tu traverseras: You will cross
– Il/elle traversera: He/she will cross
– Nous traverserons: We will cross
– Vous traverserez: You will cross
– Ils/elles traverseront: They will cross

Example sentences:
1. Je vais traverser la rue. (I am going to cross the street.)
2. Il a traversé le pont en vélo. (He crossed the bridge on his bike.)
3. Est-ce que nous devons traverser cette forêt pour arriver au village? (Do we have to cross this forest to reach the village?)
4. Vous pouvez traverser dès que le feu devient vert. (You can cross as soon as the light turns green.)
5. Les touristes ont traversé le désert à dos de chameau. (The tourists crossed the desert on camelback.)

In summary, the French word ‘traverser’ means ‘to cross’ in English. It can be associated with the English word “travel” to aid in remembering its meaning. Other words such as “franchir” and “passer” also convey similar meanings. The verb ‘traverser’ can be conjugated in various tenses including present, past, and future. Examples illustrate its usage in different contexts.

29 minutes ago

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